I know what a funny title since there is not any snow on the ground or in sight. I was just sitting here thinking that sometimes I get in places of feeling gloomy. So I had the thought of our winters, sun is not out as much, no flowers to look at. Well, the same with our situations, sometimes we have fun, very busy to slow and sometimes just waiting for the next thing to do. It amazes me to think of our seasons, of how in God's creation he created them and they come to praise Him all year round, waiting His coming. I mean, just think of our trees of how they change season to season, buds and flowers in the Spring, green leaves in the summer, colorful leaves in the fall and then bare trees in the winter. Anyway being thankful and seeing the sun on a cloudy day takes effort. Thank you Father for always being near no matter the season. The other day I found myself in a great funk.I said something,after I spoke I felt so stupid, hope one day I will get passed that or at ...
I can't wait mom :)