Apply ,Practice What I Heard

This morning I woke up and the verses about God's promises and all ran through my head. I was determined today to practice doing something towards the Kingdom of God today that I have a way to be a part of. I got alot done today and enjoyed doing it. Today while I pondered and am memorizing 2 Peter 1:3 I started thinking of how to apply this, thoughts and convictions started washing me it seemed. I sat and realized that for awhile that I am so full of some disappointments concerning the petting zoo. I hope I can get this out to where it makes since. As I sat and being convicted about for so long I have waited for things to happen at the petting zoo, I would try for a spell and quit or get discouraged , I use the reason cause of not enough support, but after reading and pondering on this one verse alone even, that is not the reason. I always think things like I can't just make things happen, with what can I do that? Well those are really crazy thoughts. Unbelieving in the fact that our God has already given us whatever we need to accomplish what He wants us to do. I don't believe and not only that I walk in it hardly enough. Making something happens means more than just waiting for something to happen. I made up a scrapbook page with the verses on it and put it on my wall where I will be looking at it every day. My added thought to it is: Not for the promises but for the denying of self. Areas I need to apply this is relationships and petting zoo. Stop giving up, learn all that I can and pass it to others, stop being so afraid, It is not the believing that makes you grow , it is the living out what we believe. I want to claim and have a part in the promises that he so freely has already given to me.


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