Another Day- Who Is Like Our God

It's like every day thanking God that He is able to save us from our wretchedness. There has been some changes since the last time I posted. One I live with Tehom, Beth and Benayah along with their children. I share the bedroom with Audrey Rose, which is a sweet experience, she always asks me when I am going to bed. She is a delight to be with. Enjoying the other children as well. And the adults too of course.
Another change is that I work at our store. I look forward to seeing you there. I get to work mostly with Ruth which has been learning and delightful. Ruth is a very delightful young lady who I look forward to our relationship growing. In which she planted some seeds in those big pots in front of the store which I am very much looking forward to seeing them grow too. This is all for now.


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