In My Father's House
Things I have been thinking about. Where to start. Golly, I don't know-I am not a writer but here goes. I’ve been reading a book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" along with the scriptures. The highlights of what stands out to me is responsibility=response ability. Been on this as a Pilgrim for a long time. Along the way on the path there has been a lot of God given to me. What have I done with it? Wow, what a question? No, this is not about crying over spilled milk but I think it is some things I can see now and couldn't see before. some I can't change but learn from, some I can clean up and start over . Don't take me wrong I have taken responsibility for a lot of my actions and overcame-but taken responsibility of reactions n other people that I helped create is another story. What a concept! I always focus on my failures more than anything. What a trap! How many more times have I went off the path? Too many. How many times does my Father hav...